IX11 nomination

Bueno, vaya manera de empezar el año. Leía hace un rato este e-mail en mi correo.
Quina manera de començar l'any. Llegia això fa una estona al meu correu.
Well, what a way of starting the year. I've read this a while ago in my e-mail account.
Dear Sergio,

Every year the language portal bab.la and our language blog Lexiophiles host the Top 100 International eXchange and eXperience (also known as IX) blog competition. We are looking for the 100 most exciting, inspiring, open-minded bloggers who write about their high-school or university exchange, their expat experience, their au-pair adventure or other experience abroad. Last year's results can be seen here: http://en.bab.la/news/top-100-international-exchange-experience-blogs-2010

Starting today, it is time for this year’s IX11 competition. Until January 16th we are looking for blogs about their adventures of living abroad. Your blog has been nominated for the IX11 competition! Feel free to tell other bloggers about the competition or nominate another blog yourself.

After the nomination phase closes, the voting phase starts on January 17 during which users can vote for their favorite blogs until January 26th. The blog with the most users votes will win. We will announce the winners on January 28. You will find more information here:

If you don’t want to be included in the nomination list, please let us know by sending me an email and we won´t contact you again. You can also contact me by email if you have any further questions about the competition.

Kind regards,


On behalf of the bab.la and Lexiophiles team
No tengo ni idea de quién me ha podido nominar a algo así, sinceramente. A quién lo haya hecho, le invito a decírmelo para poder hacerle los honores bien. Me ha hecho ilusión que alguien se haya acordado de mi blog. Así que, a quién haya sido, ¡muchísimas gracias!

No tinc ni idea de qui m'ha pogut nominar a una cosa així, sincerament. A qui ho hagi fet, el convido a dir-m'ho per poder honorar-lo/a bé. M'ha fet molta il·lusió que algú s'hagi enrecordat del meu blog. Així que, a qui hagi estat, moltíssimes gràcies!

I've got no idea of whom may have nominated me for something like this, to be honest. To whoever has, I invite him/her to tell me to be able to honour him/her in a better way. I felt thrilled by the fact that someone thought of my blog, after seeing them. To whoever who has nominated me, thank you very much!

Ich wünsche euch ein glückliches neues Jahr!


  1. Y sabes que repercusiones tiene esa nominación?? o es otro listado mas como hay tantos??

  2. ¡Vaya! Tampoco sé las repercusiones que tiene, pero ilusión tiene que hacer seguro.
    Alles Gute zum neuen Jahr!

  3. La verdad es que no tengo ni idea, Santy. Lo he leído por encima. Igualmente, como dice Morti, no está mal que se acuerden de tu blog.

    Alles Gute zum neuen Jahr für dich auch! :) (Estoy empezando a rescatar mi alemán, que aunque es pésimo, yo lo intento.)
    Feliz año nuevo a ti también, Santy.

    Hala, de vuelta a estudiar, que el lunes empiezan los exámenes. :D

  4. el año pasado estuve yo nominada, me quedé bien (no recuerdo el puesto) y no tuvo ninguna "consecuencia" no me trajo muchas visitas extras ni nada.

    Yo sospecho (sin confirmar) que no te nomina nadie, sino que rastrean ellos blogs de gente que vive fuera y lo colocan en la lista, te mandan el email y tú mismo, al contarselo a tus amigos para que te voten, les das visitas a ellos. Es sólo una sospecha :)

    Suerte, yo te votaré :)

  5. Dear blogger,

    we have just released the results of the IX11 blog competition. You can find the results here:

    We had 220 participating blogs this year so unfortunately not everyone could be amongst the top 100 blogs. Nonetheless, we are proud of every blogger sharing his or her experience on living abroad! We have read many wonderful stories and wish we could switch with you. Keep on blogging!

    We wish you a wonderful weekend.

    Best regards,

    on behalf of bab.la and Lexiophiles


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