Ya estoy de vuelta. No ha dado tiempo ni siquiera para enviar un post por e-mail. Ha sido agotador, súper intenso, pero ha merecido la pena.
Ya colgaré alguna foto (no hemos hecho apenas fotos, del poco tiempo que hemos tenido).
In English:
I'm back to Barcelona. I haven't even been able to send a post by e-mail. It's been exhausting, very intense, but it seems worth it.
I'll upload some pictures, though we haven't hardly taken any, we've had very little time to spare.
..╚╗ .█.......Mundial....█..╔╝.
....╚═█.....y monttse....█═╝...
...... .╔════▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀═════╗ ...... .║..ESPAÑA.........║
...... .║..CAMPEONES!!!...║
. ......╚═════▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀════╝